Learn Spanish, Real-Life Spanish
How do you say the points of a compass in Spanish? The four main cardinal points of the compass are: norte (north) este (east) sur (south) oeste (west) Oeste (west) and Este (east) are very similar in spelling so can understandably be confused at the beginning....
Common Mistakes, Learn Spanish
Dad, Pope or Potato – Papa Papá in Spanish La palabra papa tiene distintos significados. Con tilde, papá es una forma más cercana de llamar a nuestro padre. Sin tilde papa es un tubérculo de una planta, que sirve de alimento. También se conoce como patata en algunos...
Common Mistakes, Idioms, Jokes & Fun, Learn Spanish, Proverbs, Quotes, Reading, Real-Life Spanish
Learn something new in Spanish every day One of the most important things about learning Spanish (or any language) is to be consistent. It is best to learn a little every day than try and learn a lot in one day and nothing over the next ones. The more frequently you...