Spanish Family Tree – PowerPoint


A PowerPoint presentation about members of the family in Spanish

Una presentación PowerPoint acerca de los miembros de la familia en español


This PowerPoint presentation is to help students learn the names of the members of the family in Spanish.

There is a family tree showing the relationship between different members of the Family.
The names of male members of the family are in blue bubbles, the female members are in pink bubbles for ease of recognition. The bubbles, names and relationships lines appear on screen little by little as the family tree grows.

The names of (the extended) family members that appear are: abuelo, abuela, tío, tía, padre, madre, tú, hermana, hermano, esposa, esposo, primo, prima, hijo, hija, sobrino, sobrina, nieto, nieta, cuñada, nuera, yerno.

You can see can what each slide contains by watching our video on YouTube:

The reason we created this PowerPoint presentation is because some teachers do not have access to YouTube in their classrooms. Spanish Teachers can also go through the presentation at their own pace.

IMPORTANT: All information in this presentation is 100% in Spanish making it ideal for Dual language immersion classes.

This PowerPoint Presentation covers:
National Spanish Examination Specifications for Vocabulary – Level 2: Family and Home – Extended Family.

You may also be interested in our Spanish Family Tree Worksheets.

CONTENT: This resource contains 44 Slides:
LEVEL: Spanish 2
AGE: 7+
Format: .PPTX

Una presentación PowerPoint acerca de los miembros de la familia en español.

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