Daily Routines in Spanish – Wall Charts / Flash Cards
Each daily routine is demonstrated with a cartoon representing that action and the text of that routine in Spanish below that image. You will notice that they refer to the daily activities of an adult.
BONUS: Each daily routine is on its own A4 size page. We have also included some basic routines about school. You can see which ones listed below in the content section.
Note: Some of these charts have the same image though different text below it. For example we have the same cartoon for cocino and preparo la ceno. This is so teachers can decide which form they prefer to use. Also with trabajo en mi computador we have included three charts (same image) though with different text for the regional difference of computador / computadora / ordenador.
These wall charts are perfect for decorating the Spanish classroom. You may also want to laminate each chart and use them as large flashcards. Some teachers also photocopy these and make a booklet for students.
Permission to use these charts is only for individual classroom use.
IMPORTANT: All information in the charts are 100% in Spanish making it ideal for Dual language immersion classes.
CONTENT: This Spanish teacher resource contains 41 Pages:
- Mi rutina diaria
- Me despierto
- Apago mi alarma
- Me levanto
- Me ducho
- Me visto
- Me peino
- Hago el desayuno
- Desayuno
- Me lavo los dientes
- Voy al trabajo
- Empiezo a trabajar
- Respondo los correos electrónicos
- Almuerzo
- Trabajo en mi computador
- Trabajo en mi computadora
- Trabajo en mi ordenador
- Termino de trabajar
- Me voy a casa
- Llego a casa
- Alimento al perro
- Cocino
- Preparo la cena
- Ceno
- Veo la televisión
- Leo un libro
- Me acuesto
- Me quedo dormido
- BONUS – Voy a la escuela
- BONUS – Voy al colegio
- BONUS – Tengo clases
- BONUS – Estudio y aprendo en clase – Version 1
- BONUS – Estudio y aprendo en clase – Version 2
- BONUS – Almuerzo
- BONUS – Termino la escuela
- BONUS – Termino de estudiar
- BONUS – Me voy a casa
- BONUS – Hago las tareas
- Summary Chart 1 – Las rutinas diarias
- Summary Chart 2 (Square) – Las rutinas diarias
- Prompt – Describe tu rutina diaria
All of these are one page each.
You can see an example of each daily routine in our video lesson on YouTube:
Spanish Daily Routines – Las rutinas diarias en español
You are welcome to use this video lesson in your classroom. You can also give it students to review as homework or before the main lesson.
LEVEL: Pre-intermediate (CEFR – A2 Level) – Spanish 2 (contains reflexive verbs)
AGE: All ages
Format: .PDF
Afiches mostrando verbos asociados con las rutinas diarias en español.
CONTENIDO: Este recurso contiene 41 Páginas.
NIVEL: Pre-intermedio
EDAD: Todas las edades
Formato: .PDF