Los Cinco Sentidos – Spanish Worksheets


The 5 Senses in Spanish – Worksheets and Chart.
Los cinco sentidos en español


Worksheets and Chart about the Five Senses in Spanish. (Los cinco sentidos en español)

Chart: The summary chart contains the following Spanish words: la vista, el olfato, el oído, el gusto, el tacto, los ojos, la nariz, las orejas, la lengua, la mano, la piel, ver, oler, oir, saborear, tocar. These words are divided into three columns: los sentidos – partes de cuerpo – verbo / acción

Worksheet 1: Match the sentido (oído, olfato, vista, tacto, gusto) to the picture of the part of the body that corresponds to it. (Une con una línea cada sentido con el órgano que corresponde)

Worksheet 2: There are 5 pictures showing the action of each of the 5 senses. Students need to write what each sense it refers to. (Escribe los sentidos que se están usando en cada situation)

Worksheet 3: Student need to draw a line between the picture of the sense (a characteristic) and the Action and then to the name of that sense. (Une con una línea la imagen con la acción(el verbo) y el sentido que corresponde)

Worksheet 4: There are 5 characteristics such as a loud song, a soft rug, a sweet cookie and student need to write an X under the corresponding picture of one of the senses that recognizes that characteristic (Marca con una X la parte del cuerpo que ayuda a reconocer cada característica)

Worksheet 5: There are 12 pictures, each one representing one of the five senses. Students need to color the box accompanying each picture with the appropriate color according to the instructions. (Pinta el recuadro con el color que indica el sentido que se representa)

Worksheet 6-10: Each worksheet has 3 cartoons, each representing one of the senses. Students need to draw a line between the picture and the correct name of the sense the picture represents. (Une con una línea la imagen con el sentido que corresponde.)

Worksheet 11: La piel y el tacto – Mark with an X what you feel when you touch the following objects. Is it suave, blando, duro y/o áspero? (Marca con una(s) X qué sientes al tocar los siguientes objetos)

Worksheet 12: Los oídos y la audición – There are 5 sounds. Students need to say whether the sounds are soft or loud, pleasing or unpleasant. (Marca con una(s) X cómo consideras el sonido, suave or fuerte, agradable o desagradable)

Worksheet 13: La nariz y el olfato – There are 12 pictures. Students need to decide whether the situation that appears has a pleasant smell or an unpleasant smell. (Colorea los círculos de las imágenes de acuerdo a tu sensación)

Worksheet 14: La lengua y el gusto – Students need to draw a line between the picture and one of the tastes that appear – amargo, ácido, dulce, salado. (Une con una línea cada imagen con el sabor que corresponde)

Worksheet 15: Los ojos y la visión – Students need to decide whether each object is circular, red or a square shape. (Encierra en un círculo los objetos de acuerdo a las instrucciones)

IMPORTANT: All of the worksheets are 100% in Spanish.

You may also be interested in our Five Senses in Spanish WORD SEARCH.

CONTENT: This resource contains 31 Pages:

  • 5 senses in Spanish – Summary chart – (1 page)
  • Match the sense to the organ – (1 page)
  • What sense is it? – (1 page)
  • Match the characteristic, to the verb and the sense – (1 page)
  • What sense do you use? – (1 page)
  • Which sense is it? – (1 page)
  • Match the picture to the sense – (5 pages)
  • Touch worksheet – (1 page)
  • Hearing worksheet – (1 page)
  • Smell worksheet – (1 page)
  • Taste worksheet – (1 page)
  • Sight worksheet – (1 page)
  • 5 senses in Spanish – Teacher Answers – (15 pages)

LEVEL: Intermediate (CEFR – B1 Level) – Spanish 2 / Spanish 3
AGE: From 8 years
Format: .PDF

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