Animales Vertebrados – Spanish Vertebrates Worksheets


Actividades con los animales vertebrados en español
(Vertebrates in Spanish Worksheets)


Actividades con los animales vertebrados en español

(Vertebrates in Spanish – Worksheets)

Worksheets 1 & 2: Both worksheets contain three cartoon picture of different animals. Students need to draw a line between the picture of the animal and their correct classification (mamífero, pez, ave etc.)

Worksheets 3 – 5: There is a table where 4 animals are listed. Students need to complete the characteristics of each animal according to the following categories: hábitat, alimentación, desplazamiento, reproducción, respiración and cubierto corporal. The animals that are listed are: worksheet 3: vaca, caimán, avestruz, pez payaso – worksheet 4: ballena, rana, tiburón, pato. Worksheet 5 has the animals section in blank so that the teacher can write their own animals. Another alternative is to have students choose their own animals and to complete the characteristics of each (maybe as a homework activity).

Worksheet 6: There are the names of 15 animals. Students need to circle the names in red if that animal has fur, in blue if they are oviparous, in green if they breathe via gills (branquias) or a mixture of the three.

Worksheet 7: A group of three animals appear and beneath that group there are three characteristics. Students need to decide which characteristic of the three correctly covers all three animals. There are three groups of animals on the worksheet.

Worksheet 8: There are pictures of 12 animals with 5 small boxes underneath each picture. Students need to color in the boxes according to whether that animal has one of 5 five characteristics that appear at the top (each with their own color code).

Worksheet 9: There are pictures of five animals as a part of a table that also includes clase, característica and hábitat. Students need to cut out the descriptions that appear at the bottom of the table and paste them into their correct place in the table.

Worksheet 10: A worksheet that has 5 boxes, each with the name of a vertebrate classification above it (mamífero, ave, pez, anfibio, reptil). Students should draw an example of each classification in the correct boxes.

We have included answers sheets for teachers. These can be printed so that students can check their own answers.

IMPORTANT: All information in these worksheets are 100% in Spanish making them ideal for Dual language immersion classes.

You may also be interested in our Vertebrates in Spanish CHARTS.

CONTENT: This resource contains 18 Pages:

  • Classify the animals – (2 pages)
  • Complete the table with the characteristics – (3 pages)
  • Circle the characteristic – (1 page)
  • Multiple choice activity – (1 page)
  • 12 animals – 5 characteristic boxes to color – (1 page)
  • Cut & Paste activity – (1 page)
  • Draw an animal from each classification – (1 page)
  • Answers for teachers – (8 pages)

LEVEL: Grade 2 & 3 (Spanish-speaking countries) – Spanish 4 (non-native speakers)
AGE: 7+
Format: .PDF


Una variedad de actividades acerca de las cinco clases de vertebrados (mamíferos, peces, aves, anfibios, reptiles) y sus características.

CONTENIDO: Este recurso contiene 18 Páginas:

  • Clasificar los animales – (2 páginas)
  • Completar la tabla con las características – (3 páginas)
  • Círculos alrededor de los animales – (1 página)
  • Actividad de respuestas múltiples – (1 página)
  • 12 animales – 5 características para colorear – (1 página)
  • Actividad de cortar y pegar – (1 página)
  • Dibujar un animal para cada clasificación – (1 página)
  • Respuestas para los profesores – (8 páginas)

NIVEL: 2º Básico y 3º Básico
EDAD: Desde los 7 años
Formato: .PDF

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