How do you say meat in Spanish? CARNE
Carnes – Vocabulario en español
Here is a list of the names of different types of meat in Spanish in alphabetical order with their English translation next to each one:
- albóndigas (meatballs)
- alitas de pollo (chicken wings)
- carne (meat)
- carne molida (ground beef / mince)
- chuletas de cerdo (pork chops)
- chorizo (type of Spanish sausage)
- cordero (lamb)
- costillas (ribs)
- filete (fillet)
- hamburguesa (hamburger patty)
- jamón (ham)
- muslo de pollo ** (chicken thigh)
- pavo (turkey)
- pechuga de pollo (chicken breast)
- pescado (fish)
- pierna de pollo ** (chicken drumstick)
- pollo asado (roast chicken)
- salame / salami *
- salami (salami in the other Spanish speaking countries)
- salchicha (sausage)
- salmón – (salmon)
- tocino (bacon)
In the video, you can hear the Spanish pronunciation of the name of each type of meat.
* Salame is used more in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay
** Things can get a little confusing when we talk about the leg part of a chicken. See below.
Parts of a chicken leg in Spanish
Muslo can mean only the thigh part in some countries while in others, it may only mean the drumstick part. From what we have learned talking to others this is what is used in different regions.
- Argentina: muslo (thigh) – pata (drumstick)
- Bolivia: pierna (drumstick)
- Chile: Tuto corto (also called trutro corto) -> thigh – Tuto largo (also called trutro largo) -> drumstick
- Colombia: contramuslo (thigh) – muslo / pierna (drumstick)
- Mexico: muslo (thigh) – pierna – drumstick
- Peru: pierna (drumstick)
- Puerto Rico: caderas (thigh) – muslo (drumstick)
- Spain: contramuslo (thigh) – muslo / pata / jamoncito (de pollo) (drumstick)
If you are from a Spanish-speaking country, let us know what is used in your country (or if something needs to change). You can do that by leaving a comment in the video above.