The sala de estar is one of the rooms of a house.
It is the central room in a home for relaxation, socializing, and entertainment. La sala de estar is the living room in Spanish.
In this Spanish vocabulary lesson, you will learn the names of common things you will find in a sala de estar with the pronunciation of each item by a native Spanish speaker (Angélica from Chile).
Sala de Estar – Vocabulario en español
Here is a list of the Spanish names of living room items in alphabetical order with their English translation next to each one:
- alfombra (rug)
- chimenea (fireplace)
- cojines (cushions)
- consola de juego (gaming console)
- control remoto (remote control)
- cortinas (curtains)
- estante (shelves)
- fotos (photos)
- lámpara (lamp)
- mesa de centro (coffee table)
- obra de arte (artwork)
- plantas (plants)
- sillón (armchair)
- sofá (sofa / couch)
- televisor (TV)
- ventana (window)
- ventilador de techo (ceiling fan)
In the video, you can hear the Spanish pronunciation of the name of each thing you may find in a living room.
Sala de estar – Spanish Vocabulary