Here is a new picture we have created about typical things of each color in Spanish:
This is useful once students have learned Los colores en español
One activity to practice the colors in Spanish as well as increase vocabulary is to talk about things that are typical of each color.
For example: What things are the color green?
¿Qué cosas son de color verde? Una rana, una hoja, una lechuga
Cosas que son de color rojo = Things that are the color red
Un corazón, una fresa (frutilla), sangre.
You should do this with each color.
Cosas que son de color … negro, blanco, marrón, amarillo, rojo, anaranjado, verde, rosado, morado, azul o gris
Then you can create simple sentences to practice the masculine/feminine version of the adjective (the color).
Un corazón es rojo. Una fresa es roja. La sangre es roja.
For younger students they can draw these things and then color them in. If they are very young then you might want to have some coloring pages that already have the images to color in.
We have our free Colors in Spanish Wall Chart and Coloring Pages for you to download.